Monday, March 3, 2008

Alliance Allies

I have begun receiving requests fo join our alliance from people we don't know. Should we accept this? Should we have some sort of membership requirement. Thoughts?


Mt. Hymennus said...

What does an alliance even mean at this point? I'm assuming it will eventually benefit us to have strong cities in the alliance. However, as we get more of us involved and we all become stronger, we may not need any outsiders. So, perhaps we could admit outsiders, but only if they are extremely strong and are not commies. Any thoughts on specific requirements? Jeff, maybe you can screen them regarding their ideological predispositions. Alex, can you be in charge of hazing?

Mt. Hymennus said...

Is there any advantage to creating embassies in colonies? I would assume not but I haven't really looked at the guides.

sweaty7 said...

Having an embassy in a colony is a good idea. It adds to your overall diplomacy points & is cheaper to build a new one than it is to keep upgrading an old one.

As far as outsiders go, I'd be up for it as long as there's some sort of vetting process & they can add something to the alliance. Maybe create a minimum town size for them to join.
Yeah, obviously no commies. Or hippies.

captain planet said...

Does that mean zac can't join?

Alliances will do one thing that i know of (and as general, this makes me VERY happy). If we go to war with another alliance, a single player may pillage another player more than 6 times in 24 hours without penalty.

sweaty7 said...

Having an embassy in a colony is a good idea. It adds to your overall diplomacy points & is cheaper to build a new one than it is to keep upgrading an old one.

As far as outsiders go, I'd be up for it as long as there's some sort of vetting process & they can add something to the alliance. Maybe create a minimum town size for them to join.
Yeah, obviously no commies. Or hippies.

Anonymous said...

I think the strength of the alliance deters possible raiders.

Willbright White said...

I think we need a closed alliance if we're serious about world domination. I thought our alliance was the whole point of getting the whole department on here. Why let strangers in?

Oh, and no rightist reactionist counterrevolutionary capitalist-roaders.

John said...

Personally, I like knowing who my teammates are. I vote we wait and see. If we find that a small alliance isn't viable at the higher levels, we could then start admitting strangers. It's too bad that we've got such an appealing name.

As for getting the whole department on, I don't know if that's possible anymore. I think Beta world is now blocking, or at least restricting the number of, new players.

Anonymous said...

You can still create new accounts as people get booted/inactive, but you have to keep trying over and over again...