Friday, February 29, 2008

Editing posts

Hey all,

If you have just signed up, you need to wait for me to accept you as an admin THEN you can edit...


This post has the to-date coordinates and resources for everyone. Edit it with more accurate information!

Alex: 37, 38 - Catt Weiss - "Con Air" - SULFUR 36, 35 - "The Wicker Man" - SWEET BLESSED MARBLE - 33, 36 - "Face/Off" - WINE

Allison: 52:68 - Argyle - Crystal Glass

Andrew: 48, 71 - speedwell - "Street Urchin" - WINE //48, 74 - "Baltimorgue" - MARBLE // 48, 70 - "South Park" - SULFUR // 46, 67 - "Scrimmy Scrank" - CRYSTAL

Ben: Moonlit Knight: 31,30 "Epping Forest" (SULFUR); 28, 34 "Aisle of Plenty" (WINE); 26, 30 "Firth of Fifth" (MARBLE); 33, 32 "The Cinema Show" (CRYSTAL).

Bill Franco: 15, 49 - nihil - SULFUR

Bill MacMillan: trawlanicus

Christine Darr: 28:56 - Sunnydale - SULFUR

Dan Bowen: 14:39 - WINE

James: 58,21 - ballsac - Mt. Cock - SULFUR

Jeff: 54,22 - Sweaty 7 - MARBLE & CRYSTAL COLONY

Jim: 53,88 - Pasqal - Rinca - CRYSTAL

Jon Cockring: 71,79 - jon - Betelgeuse - WINE

John Alden: Dengue Fever - "Globus Cassus" crystal 71,50 -- "Pseudomonad" marble 69,50 -- "Lotophagia" wine 70,50 -- "Penzance" sulfur 70,49

Matt: 83,72 -Soramain -Despedida -Marble

Nathan: 56:19 - twin peaks - Wine // 48:26 - white lodge - crystal // 62:19 Black Lodge - Marble

Nick: 66:48 - Little Sicily - Crystal

Rob: 71,70 - rjm328 - "Mt. Hymennus" - WINE // 72,70 - "Cackring" - MARBLE

Sheldon: 36:15 - Dangly Dan - "Pole-is"


Zac: 82,50- Otherone - "Itoos" - R-town - Sulphur